Spectral cytometry is a new approach to classical cytometry.
Where a detector used to correspond to a color, the spectral cytometer collects the fluorescence of small spectral bands for each of the lasers present in the instrument.
The spectral deconvolution allows to decompose the spectrum of light emitted by each cell into each of the spectral components from each fluorochrome present on the cell, whatever the number of fluorescent molecules (Figure 1).

Figure 1 : For each laser, the spectrum is split into small spectral bands allowing to calculate a specific spectrum for each analyzed fluorochrome: on the left, the spectrum is split for the blue laser; on the right, the spectrum is split globally on 5 lasers.
(Front. Mol. Biosci., DL Bonilla, G Reinin, E Chua)

Before any analysis by spectral cytometry, we need to extract the spectra of the fluorochromes used one by one.

For this purpose, we need to analyze:

1) Totally unlabeled cells. The autofluorescence of the cells is indeed considered as a fluorochrome. It is therefore possible to evaluate the autofluorescence spectrum and subtract it from the fluorescence signals.
2) All individual monolabeling.  The preparation of the monolabel must be identical to the sample (dissociation, washes, permeabilization, fixation...). In case of uncertainty on the presence of a marker on your cells (or lack of cells for controls) and in order to make the extraction of the spectrum, it is necessary to provide beads that bind your antibodies. The beads must undergo the same treatments as the cells. There are also specific beads for viability markers.

Once the spectral deconvolution is done and specific spectra of your fluorochromes are obtained (Figure 2), the cytometric analysis can finally start in a classical way with parameters reduced to the number of fluorochromes to analyze.

Figure 2 : Example of spectrum calculated after spectral deconvolution of PE on a Cytek Aurora 5-laser spectral cytometer

This technology allows for a finer analysis of fluorescence and makes it possible, for example, to detect in the same tube molecules that are totally indistinguishable with conventional cytometry. The technique allows the simultaneous measurement of fluorochromes that have up to 98% similarity (Figure 3 and 4).

Figure 3 : left: GFP and YFP spectra (indistinguishable on a conventional cytometer); middle: GFP and YFP spectra after spectral deconvolution on the Cytek Aurora (74% similarity); right: simultaneous GFP and YFP analysis on the Aurora

Figure 4 : Left: APC and Alexa 647 spectra (90% similarity); right: comparison of a double APC, Alexa 647 labeling with the same APC, PE labeling. The percentages of detected populations are similar.

The other interest of spectral cytometry is to be able to subtract the background noise of the analyzed cells on each of the measured channels allowing to detect specific fluorescences which would be drowned in the background noise on a traditional cytometer (Figure 5)

Figure 5 : Analysis of specific mCherry labeling in a population with high 'autofluorescence'.