Install BD DIVA 8.0.3 on Windows 7 32 bits

You need DIVA 8.0.3 CD or an image disk : Diva installation ISO

Click on application 'setup'

Install BD DIVA 9.0 on Windows 10 64 bits

Download the following : BD FACSDiva 9.0.7z

Unzip it on your harddisk

Open BD FACSDiva 9.0 folder

Click on application 'setup'

Follow the standard Microsoft instructions. Make all the updates to your system and install all the drivers before installing Diva.

To install on a French Windows you need to make some changes:

Before starting the installation of Diva, you must go to :

Panneau de configuration >Système et sécurité > Outils d’administration > Gestion des ordinateurs > Utilisateurs et groupes locaux > Groupes

In groupes rename Utilisateurs in Users (It allows to install FacsDiva. We make believe that the system is in English by this simple manipulation).

To go in this menu : right clik on menu Windows (on the bottom left ) and select 'Gestion de l'ordinateur':

Menu windows


As in FacsDiva the values of the compensations must be in English format (with a dot). If this is not the case (if a comma is used), when the FCS file is closed and opened, the compensations are displayed as 0. To solve this problem, change the language in "Panneau de configuration > Horloge, langue et région > Région > Format" la langue. Replace by Anglais (US).