The principles of cytometry are summarized in Figure 1.

          simplifié d'un cytomètre en flux

Figure 1 : Simplified principle of a flow cytometer

To operate a flow cytometer requires a combination of:

Fluidic: To introduce and focus the cells.

Optics: A source of excitation and signal recovery,

Electronics: To convert the optical signals into proportional electronic signals and digitize them for analysis with a computer.


The cells must be suspended in order to be analyzed. The analysis of blood does not pose any problem as the cells are already in suspension. On the other hand, the cellular tissues must be dissociated and the aggregates eliminated in order to be analyzed.


Imagine having to count vehicles of different colors on a highway with many lanes (Figure 2). If the traffic is heavy and all the lanes are in use, it will be impossible to perform this task. To do this, you need to channel the vehicles into one lane and, in this way, you will be able to make an accurate analysis of the number of vehicles of each color.

Figure 2 : Counting principle of a cytometer

In a flow cytometer the same procedure is used. The cells are brought to the center of the measuring nozzle and aligned one behind the other (by means of the hydrodynamic sample centering system) to be excited one by one with the light beam. The sheath liquid undergoes a progressive acceleration which causes the sample liquid to stretch and thus aligns the cells in the center of the jet (Figure 3).
Centrage hydrodynamique

Figure  3 : Hydrodynamic Focusing

When the starting sample is low in concentration, the user of a cytometer tends to increase the pressure on the sample in order to decrease the acquisition time. Unfortunately, this has the effect of decreasing the precision of the sample centering and leads to a scattering of the measurements since the cells will not necessarily pass through the focusing zone of the light source (Figure 4). This is easily visualized by passing calibration beads at different pressures, their peak widens as the pressure increases (increase in the coefficient of variation). This effect is particularly detrimental to cell cycle measurements where the sharpness of the peaks is a guarantee of the quality of the measurement. It is therefore preferable to increase the concentration of the sample rather than to increase the pressure on it. Of course, one must also take into account the information processing limits of the device. Similarly, by increasing the speed too much, we can find ourselves in a situation where several particles pass in front of the light source at the same time, compromising the reliability of the measurements.

Vitesse d'analyse

Figure 4 : Effect of the pressure increase on the sample on the signal measurement


The light excitation source must allow an illumination of the dyes at a wavelength close to their absorption maximum. It must be powerful, stable and requires a good focusing.
Two types of sources are currently used:
-Lasers (the most frequently used) which have a large number of advantages: power, stability, beam sharpness. Lasers have discontinuous emission spectra (Figure 5).
Source lumineuse

Figure 5 : main light sources used in flow cytometry

Argon ion lasers are now replaced by laser diodes requiring less installation constraints

Laser IonDiode laser

The presence of several lasers of different types allows to multiply the number of fluorochromes with different spectral characteristics.
Mercury vapor or xenon lamps were also used. The focus is less than in the case of the laser, but the spectrum is wide enough and their cost is limited.

When there are several lasers in a cytometer, they can be arranged in 2 ways. Either they are all focused at the same place, they are then said to be collinear, or they are spatially shifted (the cell passes successively in front of each laser), they are then said to be staggered.
The interest of staggered lasers is that it allows, for fluorochromes with different excitation wavelengths but with equivalent emission wavelengths to be measured independently which is not possible with collinear lasers (Figure 6). Colinear lasers therefore lead to greater constraints in the choice of fluorochromes.

Configuration des Lasers

Figure 6 :Laser configuration, staggered and collinear, example of 7AAD and APC


The different optical signals emitted by the cell must be focused, separated, and then routed to detection systems, photomultipliers or photodiodes. They are selected by different optical circuits, composed of alternating mirrors and filters.
A mirror is a reflecting surface. Depending on the treatment of its surface, we can obtain three types of mirrors: high-pass, low-pass and bandpass (Figure 7, 8). Moreover, the reflected wavelengths also vary with the angle formed by the incident ray and the surface of the filter.

Il existe divers types de filtres optiques

Figure 7 : Different types of filters used by cytometry (R: Réflection,  : wavelength)

Les types de
Figure 8 : Different types of filters used by cytometry

If the non-reflected wavelengths are transmitted, we obtain dichroic mirrors.
For filters, we find in transmission the same curves as for mirrors, but the non-transmitted wavelengths are not reflected. They are either absorbed or destroyed.
After passing through this succession of mirrors and filters, the light is collected and transformed into an electrical signal directly proportional to the light received by a photomultiplier or a photodiode (Figure 9).

Trajet optique
Figure 9 : Example of an optical path in a flow cytometer (©Becton Dickinson)

Figure 10 : Example of an optical path in a spectral flow cytometer (©Cytek)


The optical signals collected have an intensity correlated with cellular properties (Table 1).

Light scattering at small angles Proportional to cell diameter Morphological identification of cells
Right angle light scattering Proportional to cell content Morphological identification of cells
Fluorescences Proportional to the labeling intensity Cell markers, DNA, RNA, cell functions...

Table 1: Meaning of the main signals obtained in flow cytometry.

Scattered light

The scattered light provides information about the morphology and structure of the cell:

If light scattering is measured in the axis of the incident beam, the signal intensity can be correlated with cell size and viability.

At an angle of 90°, the measurement corresponds to the intracellular structure of the cell (cytoplasm refringence, morphology, nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio).

The simultaneous use of these two parameters makes it possible to distinguish, in peripheral blood for example, platelets, lymphocytes, monocytes and polynuclears (Figure 11).

Diffusion de la lumière

Figure 11 :Use of double light scattering to distinguish the various blood subpopulations (FSC: small angle scattering, SSC: wide angle scattering).


The choice of the threshold allows to eliminate from the analysis the particles of values lower than the threshold chosen on the selected parameter. For example, a threshold on the size will eliminate the smallest particles and thus avoid polluting the acquisition file with them. This can be used, for example, to eliminate platelets or red blood cells from an acquisition on lymphocytes. Be careful not to choose a threshold that is too high, otherwise you risk not seeing certain cell populations of intermediate size or even non-fluorescent if you choose to set a threshold on a fluorescence. The threshold on a fluorescence is useful to analyze a cell cycle since it allows to avoid measuring non fluorescent cells or small DNA fragments.

Emitted fluorescence

This fluorescence can be spontaneous, but most often, it is brought to the cell by a fluorochrome. The fluorochrome absorbs the energy of the LASER and re-emits the absorbed energy by vibration and heat dissipation, emitting photons of a higher wavelength.
A fluorochrome is characterized by its absorption and emission light spectrum. The re-emitted light is always of a higher wavelength than the absorbed wavelength.
The characteristics of some fluorochromes used in CMF are summarized in Table 2 :

Excitation Max*
Emission Max@
Hoechst 33342
Chromomycine A3
Iodure de Propidium
Acridine Orange
527 db/630 sbrin
Alexa 488
Protein labeling
Protein labeling 490
Protein labeling 490/565
Protein labeling 488
Protein labeling 642
Protein labeling 490/565 693
Protein labeling 490/565 778
Brilliant Violet 510
Protein labeling 405
Brilliant Violet 650 Protein labeling 405
GFP Gene Reporter 488 510
mCherry Gene Reporter 585
Gene Reporter 554
Rhodamine 123
mitochondrial potential
cell tracker
Cascade blue
cell tracker
Fura Red
Ca2+ 331
Ca2+ 506

Table 2 : Characteristics of some fluorochromes used in cytometry. (*: excitation wavelenght, @: emission wavelenght).

There are
- Fluorochromes with a specific affinity for a cellular component: for example for the measurement of DNA, RNA, proteins, pH, calcium contained in the cell.
- Fluorochromes coupled to a specific ligand. This specificity can be achieved by coupling the fluorochrome to an antibody or a ligand specific to a cell component.
Be careful because the fluorochromes do not all have the same fluorescence yield and therefore will not have the same detection capabilities. To demonstrate this, it is 'sufficient' to couple the same antibody with different fluorochromes and to compare the intensity of the labelings on the same cells (Figure 12).

Sensibilité des Fluorochromes

Figure 12 : Study of the sensitivity of fluorochromes by labelling with a CD8 antibody
(©Beckman Coulter : O Jaen)


The optical signals are converted into electrical signals by the photomultipliers. These electrical signals have a value usually between 0 and 10 volts (analog signal). The computer can only process these data if they are in binary form (digital signal). The role of the analog-to-digital converter is to convert, as its name indicates, an analog signal (continuous value) into a digital signal (discontinuous value) that can be processed by the computer. That is to say, to transform a value between 0 and 10 volts into a binary value between 0 and 1023 for a 10-bit converter (210) (Figure 13).The new machines now convert signals on several million channels.

Conversion analogique digitale

Figure 13: Working principle of a converter


The numerical values from the converters are stored by the computer and presented on the cytometer screens in two forms:
1/monoparametric histograms where the x-axis represents the intensity of the analyzed signal and the y-axis the number of cells, the axes can be linear or logarithmic (Figure 14).

Construction d'un histogramme

Figure 14 : Obtaining a monoparametric histogram.

2/biparametric histograms or cytograms presenting two signals simultaneously (Figure 15).

Histogramme et cytogramme

Figure 14 : Presentation of flow cytometry results.
